

Nutrition Manager

Regular price$151.00
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100% Bioavailable mono-silicic acid

Fasilitor is a patented formula that increases the uptake of all other nutrients leading to an increase in yield and quality while also protecting the plant against pests, pathogens and environmental stresses.

Application: Root drench and foliar spray

Available Sizes

    Feed Programs

      Feeding Type and Amount

      Regular feeding
      0.15 ml per 1L

      Anti-stretch flowering
      0.3 ml per 1L

      Foliar spray 
      1 ml per 1L

      Add FASiLITOR to the water in your reservoir first before any other products.

      This is important due to the method in which the monomer-silicic-acid particles are stabilised. Failure to do so will result in a loss of FASiLITOR’s benefits.

      As the flagship of the APTUS product lineup, FASiLITOR is extremely concentrated, pure and fast acting.

      While it is a silica-based solution, it is unlike any other silica product on the market. FASiLITOR’s patented formula works by increasing vascular pressure within the plant to heighten mineral translocation throughout its entire structure resulting in more complete, robust and quality tissue formation.

      The patented and stabilised concentration of monomer silicic acid particles allows for fast response against abiotic and biotic stress factors (environmental and pests), shorter internodal spacing, incredible bio-availability and increased yields all while utilising natural mechanisms within the plant to gain these benefits.

      Silicic acid provides bioavailable silica that is easily translocated to needed areas within the plant including signs of insect attack, cell wall and tissue formation. In addition, FASiLITOR’s silicic acid formula works to distribute boron (B) evenly throughout the plant’s tissue which is the precursor for cell formation, movement of plant energy (sugars) and setting flowers.

      The third and final trace mineral in FASiLITOR is molybdenum.

      Molybdenum is an essential component of enzymatic processes within the plant that convert nitrates into compounds used to manufacture amino acids, convert inorganic phosphorus into organic forms within the plant and is also crucial to bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen into your soil.

      Resistance against abiotic (environmental: temperature, wind, drought).

      Resistance against biotic stress (living: pests & pathogens).

      Improves uptake, absorption and utilisation of nutrients.

      Stronger cell structures and epidermis layer creating thicker tissue (increases dry yield).

      Reduces internodal spacing by adjusting mineral translocation to new limbs.

      Increases resistance against salinity (nutrient salt buildup) by limiting uptake of excess minerals present in the planting medium.

      Reduces transpiration (loss of moisture from the leaves) by forming thick cell walls which are made primarily of silica and calcium.

      Silicic Acid – Mineral translocation adjuster, cell wall strengthener, abiotic and biotic stress reduction agent

      Boron – Precursor to cell wall formation, translocator of plant energy (sugars), beneficial agent for flower and fruit formation

      Molybdenum – Creator of crucial beneficial plant enzymes, synthesiser of organic phosphorus and crucial to atmospheric nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil

      Do not contaminate with measuring instruments. 

      Pour FASiLITOR into container of choice for measuring.

      FASiLITOR makes plants more compact through increasing the variety of minerals being translocated throughout the plant at any given time. This mature, robust growth is a result of complete formation through increased mineral variety and density.

      If your plants are experiencing nutrient deficiencies, FASiLITOR can often help correct these apparent effects. In a soil-container environment, FASiLITOR, through the action of silicic acid, will work to regulate how much of a mineral is let into the plant. This activity can minimise the effects of what would be a toxicity, allowing for healthy growth once again.


      FASiLITOR is the most stable and most Bioavailable mono-silicic acid on the market. FASiLITOR increases the uptake of all other nutrients, increases the dry-weight of fruits and flowers and prevents stress caused by pests, pathogens & temperature.

      There are 3 main types of silica products sold on the market today: Mono-silicic acid (i.e. FASiLITOR), Common suits of silicates (Potassium Silicate & Calcium Silicate) and Silica Dioxide (sand/quartz).

      It’s important to understand that plants can only uptake and utilise silica once it has been broken down to a single molecule level (mono-silicic acid). Once silica has been broken down to a single molecule level the silica or silicic acid is then bioavailable and can be absorbed immediately by the plant either via the root or via the leaf.

      FASiLITOR is a patented formula of potassium silicate broken down to a single molecule level (mono-silicic acid) and stabilised with Boron. This formula is 100% bioavailable meaning that once diluted into water it is available for immediate absorption by plants.

      Common Silicates (Potassium & Calcium Silicates) consist of a chain of molecules and are too large to be absorbed in their common form. Potassium or Calcium Silicate can be broken down to a single molecule level once amended into a soil by a process called weathering, but this process takes 3-12 weeks and is virtually useless in an indoor or hydroponic cultivation environment with short crop cycles. It also makes the supplementation of additional silica inaccurate as you cannot accurately measure when the amended silica will be available to be utilised by the plant.

      Silica dioxide, also known as quartz or sand, is also not available for immediate uptake by plants and must first go through the process of weathering.

      Of all the silica products on the market, FASiLITOR is by far the most stable and the most beneficial. The longer mono-silicic acid can stay stable in a range where the plant can uptake it, the more effective and beneficial it is. The other factor to consider is FASiLITOR is stabilised using a small amount of boron which is the first element in the biochemical sequence. Other products that claim to be mono-silicic acids use dangerously high amounts of heavy metals like copper to stabilise their formula. High amounts of heavy metals like copper are toxic when used to grow combustible crops such as medicinal or recreational cannabis and should be avoided.

      Always add FASiLITOR to your reservoir or foliar feed first and mix well before adding any other fertiliser or crop protection products.

      Add FASiLITOR at the rate of 0.15 ml per 1 litre during both the vegetative and flowering phases. In early flower (weeks 1, 2 and 3) you can safely double the dosage to 0.3 ml per 1 litre to minimise unwanted stretching.

      For foliar applications, add and mix 1 ml per 1 litre. You can also add STARTBOOST, MASSBOOST and BLOOMBOOST to the same foliar spray mix. 

      Vegetative foliar spray

      1 ml per 1 litre

      1 ml per 1 litre

      2-4 ml per 1 litre
      MASSBOOST *optional

      Flower foliar spray

      *Note: it’s recommended to foliar spray for the first 2 weeks of flower only.

      1 ml per litre

      1 ml per litre

      2-4 ml per litre
      MASSBOOST *optional


      You do not need to add FASiLITOR to our CLEAN program to achieve great results, but, adding FASiLITOR will improve the overall health, vitality, quality and yield of any crop.

      Yes, FASiLITOR (like all APTUS products) can be used as a standalone product or paired with any other nutrient range.

      FASiLITOR will last a minimum of 7 days in a reservoir or hydroponic system. It’s recommended to use circulation pumps in place of air-stones to circulate/oxygenate the feed water as air-stones cause silicic acid to polymerise on the surface of the stone, creating the need for additional cleaning.

      How to use SYSTEM-CLEAN

      This video shows how to properly mix concentrated fertilizer to create a solution for plant nourishment. The step-by-step demonstration makes it easy to understand and follow, ensuring that you get the right proportions of the fertilizer and water for optimal results. Mixing the fertilizer correctly is crucial for healthy plant growth.

      Feed Programs


      This program is the easiest, most concentrated, low cost program on the market. The pH stability is so reliable you can mix and set your reservoir on a given day and it will read exactly the same (+- 0.05) seven days later with no adjustment in between.


      This program is the absolute gold standard of quality, flavour, oil production and shelf life. This is the program for the grower looking to produce the absolute best flower they can or any extraction artist looking to increase the quality, colour and yield of their extracts.


      Access to the OG programs that include Soil PRO and Soil BASIC.

      All of these programs are available for download.

      Faster, Healthier
      Root Development

      Thicker, Stronger

      Higher Quality
      Fruits & Flowers


      Superior Flavour

      Increased Bag