Plant Safe Irrigation Line Cleaner
Plant safe oxidizer and irrigation system cleaner
System-Clean is a stabilised oxidate that increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the feed water, which increases growth and substrate health while cleaning irrigation lines, drippers, sprayers and feed rings (when used at the recommended dose of 1ml per gallon / 0.25ml per 1 litre).
Application - Root drench
Available Sizes
Feed Programs
Feeding Type and Amount
With every tank / reservoir
0.25 ml per 1L
System flush / clean between cycles
0.5 ml per 1L
Add SYSTEM-CLEAN to the nutrient tank at 0.25 ml per 1L of water. SYSTEM-CLEAN will last for maximum 3 days in the nutrient solution.
If your nutrient mix stands for more than 3 days, mix SYSTEM-CLEAN to the entire amount of water in the nutrient tank to help minimise biofilm/salt and residue build-up.
SYSTEM-CLEAN is a powerful oxidiser that prevents microbial attacks, line blockages and nutrient build-up in irrigation systems. A clean irrigation system improves growth and development of plants (especially in the root system) by allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the plant without affecting the pH.
Unabsorbed nutrients (organic leading to biofilm and mineral leading to salt) can build up in the cultivation system. These remaining nutrients acidify (lower pH) the growing medium, increasing the chance of microbial attack by providing nutrition for pathogens.
SYSTEM-CLEAN helps maintain a healthy irrigation system by removing built-up biofilm/salt and keeping high levels of oxygen in the nutrient solution.
NOTE: The SYSTEM-CLEAN formula sold in Australia, New Zealand and Japan differs from the formula sold in North America. Both formulas are oxidisers and perform in the same way, they just vary in concentration and have differing dilution instructions.
Prevents loss of nutrients and oxygen in irrigation systems (improves efficiency of irrigation system and plant absorption).
Removes build-up of biofilm/salt in irrigation systems (prevents nutrient build-up).
Adds extra oxygen to the root zone (increases dissolved oxygen levels).
Removes source of pathogens.
7.9% food grade stabilised H202.
SYSTEM-CLEAN may be used alone in water for a system flush between cycles.
SYSTEM-CLEAN will not kill micro-life when diluted at 0.25 ml per 1L.